Born in 1986, I grew up in the tumultuous 1990s.
Then businesses grew, money flew, and the nation was slowly getting used to freedom and democracy after 50 years of Communism.
But the story of Queen of Words starts more than 30 years later.
In 2019, I got my Ph.D. in history.
People around me expressed their admiration. Two kids, teaching at the university, many publications, one blog, and an academic degree, what a Wonder Woman I was.
Yet, I did not feel like it.
After 5 years, I reached my goal. And with a sense of horror, I realized that I had never dreamt beyond getting the degree.
On maternity leave, I had time to think for the first time in my life, and darkness crept into the vision ahead. Was I really born to be a scientist? And I came to the sad conclusion that no, this was not me.
Yet, how could I change the path I had walked on so single-mindedly for years?
These thoughts started to haunt me, but the pandemics that struck the very same year showed the world that everything can change overnight.
As 2020 revealed to us all that nothing is certain, I had to learn new things. We all did. I created online material for my students, started another blog, and realized that the online world offers many opportunities. I learned about copywriting and discovered that, contrary to what I thought, real writers didn’t starve. I wrote some gigs, mainly for free, to gain experience, created another blog, got some paid jobs, and thought about building an online business. But still, I did not give up the academic career I worked so hard to make.
We went on a traditional wine-tasting trip with my family. The kids went to bed, and we sat with other guests in the beautifully lit garden of our guesthouse; moonshine shimmered on the swimming pool’s water, and the house owner played guitar and sang. She seemed so happy. And I asked myself, why her and not me? Why could I not have a job I loved so much it made me sing? I knew the answer. She must have been courageous enough to buy a guesthouse and start her business, push it through the pandemic, and still sing with her guests with the COVID crisis far from over.
Dreaming is one thing, but it takes courage to wake up and live your dreams. Was writing my dream? Sure it was. But as I watched the lady with a lovely voice, I suddenly realized that my writing could have an impact. I could help people. People like the owner of an excellent guesthouse who creates such an experience for her guests. People like the wine-makers who sold us this exquisite wine. And that was it. I knew what I wanted and could not go back.
My enthusiasm gave me wings, but then I hit the ground.
The fake promises of the online world
Right away in 2020, I fell for a lot of online hoaxes. Ignorant of marketing tricks, I fell for them myself. Have you come across these claims, too?
Anyone can do business online. It doesn’t matter what you sell; you just need to know how to sell it.
Follow your dream; you can do it if you really want something.
And then more specific advice like:
A marketing funnel is essential. You’ll earn millions with the right magnet and perfect email marketing.
You can’t do business today without social media, you need a social media strategy.
A good copywriter can sell anything to anyone with the text alone.
It took me 4 years of experience in the field to distinguish fake from truth.
Dreaming is not enough; you need to work hard, and sometimes, not even hard work suffices. Not everybody accomplishes what they dream of.
Online business works best for those who teach others how to do business online. Actually, doing business online is much more complicated.
Even if I became the best copywriter in the world, without a strategy, neat web design, and, most importantly, without my client’s product or service being good enough, my copywriting alone would not sell.
My colleagues in the marketing business claim the opposite, and I do not think it is fair.
Lastly, as a mother, I have verified that social media and personalized advertising without the slightest respect for privacy are the greatest evils of my time.
In 2023, marketing made me sick, and I wanted to leave the business.
Fortunately, I didn’t give up copywriting because I was suddenly approached by clients whose products were worth it. Clients who respected their clients’ privacy (for example, by tackling cookie-free advertising) didn’t trick or lie and asked for a quality copy.
Above all, I discovered that regardless of what many online business courses say, I do not need to make megalomaniac statements to trick my clients into hiring me. Providing excellent service and showcasing clients’ referrals was ok.
Moreover, in 2023, I took part in great projects outside the marketing world and discovered that even creative writers do not have to starve but can thrive.
So, I know where I stand today and am ready to sell my service and words to clients that align with my values.
Because I finally know what my values are.
We live online, sell online, write online. But there’s always a person on the other side of that line. Whatever I do, I will not forget the human.
Your story is the best tool if you want to sell. A story sells itself.
Sales psychology has enormous power and empathy for the reader and customer even more so. But empathy is also about knowing the thin line between persuasion and manipulation.
Not every text has to win a Pulitzer or garner applause from the professional community. The text should fulfill its purpose.